How Database Audit Solution Can Help You?

When it comes to IBM DB2, it is a family of commercial DBMS hugely preferred by majority of business entities nowadays. If you have also selected this DBMS then it is really a great decision taken by you. Apart from it, you should also consider choosing an efficient DB2 audit tool if you really wish to get full analysis of all user activities, changes made to your database as well as queries directed to it best possibly. This tool instantly detects, stops and then notifies database authorities or database administrators in case any particular database protection policy is violated due to any specific reason. Besides this, you would also find this tool really amazing in terms of monitoring SQL-requests and unauthorized access to the sensitive information stored in the database management system.


With an effective set of preconfigured defenses, a data audit tool protects the database in the most effective way. The main motive of DB2 audit solution is to provide great help to the database administrators in terms of monitoring all database activities in the best possible way. There are numerous functions of a database audit tool. For instance, it monitors the database continuously to detect external threats as well as stops data leaks caused by the company’s own employees or privileged users. Besides this, this tool detects all issues with access control implementation or authorizes. It also notifies DBA’s about suspicious activity takes place within the database management system. This tool is also truly capable in terms of revealing security vulnerabilities of the database management system.

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